Sunday, January 10, 2016

Quantam Magick. P. Mattern. Epic read!

This is an awesome ending? To The world of Azglen, Full Moon Series. The whole cast Mitzi, Cass, Charlie, Fress, have become nomads. In a hope of survival from the government and of course Mitzi stalker. Humans have a agreed to join the assorted non humans and provide the blood they need in return for protection and care. And living without the governments idea of control.
Some highlights include a castle and a magician that exists in another plane. He becomes a great friend and valuable ally in the fight to stay alive. There are new couples, some steamy trysts, some proposals and twists on that you won't want to miss.
One of my personal favorite parts of the book is a minor part. But it sums it up.
Don't miss what Charlie Rabbit writes on the wall!
Do we have another book in the works?

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